Experienced Professionals

Our team consists of licensed therapists, psychiatrists, and mental health professionals with diverse expertise. We are committed to staying current with evidence-based practices to provide you with the highest standard of care.


Compassionate and Nonjudgmental Environment

Our team consists of licensed therapists, psychiatrists, and mental health professionals with diverse expertise. We are committed to staying current with evidence-based practices to provide you with the highest standard of care.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

We strive to make mental health services accessible to all. Our virtual sessions, sliding scale fees, and a variety of service options, including morning, afternoon, and evening hours, aim to break down barriers to seeking mental health support.


Take the First Step

Embarking on the journey to mental well-being is a courageous decision. Whether you're seeking support for yourself or a loved one, WE CARE 2 is here to guide you. Contact us today to schedule a confidential consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, more harmonious life.

  • If you are considering harming yourself or others, please call 9-8-8 immediately!
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment now available through our HEAL program...call 567 NJ HEALS (567.654.3257)
If you are considering harming yourself or others, please call 9-8-8 immediately!